Plant Care Guide: Philodendron McColleys

Philodendron McColleys // Philodendron Hybrid

This gal sure stands out from the crowd with those colourful leaves. A great option for lower light spaces, her vibrant leaves don't climb like other philodendrons, but stay compact and full. Style against crisp white or light neutral tones and watch those colours pop. 

  Beginner's Bestie Bright indirect sunlight is ideal, but can tolerate low light
Not pet friendly if ingested Water once the top few cm of soil has dried out


Love notes

Keep your plant pal nourished and supported with a good quality plant food like We The Wild Grow Concentrate and We The Wild Support Pellets. These powerful plant essentials will keep your plants happy, strong and resilient, and will reward you with new growth a'plenty! 
These beauties thrive in humid conditions, so you can give them a mist every so often, and don't forget to wipe down those leaves when they're looking a little dusty. You can also spray with We The Wild Protect Spray every couple of weeks to keep leaves looking lush and healthy. 
Follow the recommended advise on watering above - if unsure, a Moisture Meter could be your secret weapon! This handy tool will show you exactly how dry your soil is to avoid any over or under watering fails. 
To ensure your new bestie gets enough drainage, we recommend keeping them in a nursery pot and displaying in a cover pot. If you do want to pot up your plant, make sure your decorative pot has a drainage hole and you've removed the plug. 
Philodendron McColleys are generally easy going and are a good option for those spots getting medium, indirect light, to add a pop of colour. They're also known to purify the air so be sure to keep those leaves free of dust to maximise these air purifying qualities. 


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